Kids & Teens

Spring Classes Ages 4-6


Drama develops a child's creative thinking, cooperation, and literacy skills. In each class the perfect stories serve as launching pads for dramatic adventures. Participants explore them through dramatic play, narrative pantomime, and story drama; builiding interpersonal and presentational skills. Each class culminates with an informal sharing for family on the last day of class. These classes are a perfect entrance point for a student who is ready to play, laugh, learn and explore through drama.
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Drama develops a child's creative thinking, cooperation, and literacy skills. In each class the perfect stories serve as launching pads for dramatic adventures. Participants explore them through dramatic play, narrative pantomime, and story drama; builiding interpersonal and presentational skills. Each class culminates with an informal sharing for family on the last day of class. These classes are a perfect entrance point for a student who is ready to play, laugh, learn and explore through drama.









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Acting I: Fantastic Folktales

1/25/2025 - 3/1/2025

Legends leap off the page! (Ages 4-6)


Musical Theatre I: Zoosical

1/25/2025 - 3/1/2025

Sing, play, jump and dance in this Seuss inspired Musical Theatre Class... (Ages 4-6)


Spring Break: Dinosaur Drama

3/10/2025 - 3/21/2025

Digging Deep into Drama! (Ages 4-6)


Acting I: Magical Creatures

3/22/2025 - 4/26/2025

Dragons and unicorns and fairies, oh my! (Ages 4-6)


Musical Theatre I: Sea Songs

3/22/2025 - 4/26/2025

Ahoy, future stars of the stage! (Ages 4-6)
