Magic Door is a technique for entering and exploring a new environment. By entering a place first through a magic door, the opportunity to hear, see, feel, and smell parts of the environment before entering asks children to engage all of their senses to fully imagine a new setting.
Watch the step-by-step video:
• Each participant can find a piece of imaginary chalk in their pocket, and guide all the students to draw the shape of a door.
Narrate the experience of opening a door into another world.
• Be sure to observe sensory elements before you open the door – e.g. how cold the handle is, or that there is frost on the window!
• Use active and vivid descriptions of the place you are entering.
• Then walk through the door and into the world of the pantomime.
Go back through the door (optional)
• When you walk back through the door and into your classroom, erase the magic door and blow all the dust away.
Sample narration after you have drawn the door:
“Let’s go into the jungle. Touch the handle of the door, it’s warm. Put your ear up next to the door and listen closely. There are birds squawking, and frogs croaking, I even hear a monkey howling! Oh wow. Let’s go through the door. Reach out and open the door - whoa the air is so warm and wet. There are vines hanging down all around us, and plants covering the floor…”
Magic Door is great for: