Grades K - 6
Field Trip: April 5 – April 14, 2017
Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri. Mornings Various times.
Location: Tempe Center for the Arts Studio
Price: $10 per person
Zachary Briddling is unbearably normal. His height is exactly the height of an average boy of an average age. His hair lies exactly the way of an average boy on an average day. And when he dreams at night, he dreams the most average dreams. Zachary wants to be different – someone who stands out and is special. He sets off on a magical adventure to find a place where he might feel special, and in doing so, he finally finds his own place in the world. This hilarious and imaginative adventure is for anyone who has ever struggled to discover and embrace all that makes them unique and special.
Reading (1.SL.5): Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions when appropriate to clarify ideas, thoughts, and feelings.
Leadership and Responsibility (K-12): Guide and Lead Others - Leverage strengths of others to accomplish a common goal.
Science (1.S1.C1.PO2): Ask questions based on experiences with objects, organisms, and events in the environment.
*Please note: Play titles and performance dates are subject to change.