Kids & Teens

What if my child hasn't read the book?


What if my child hasn't read the book (or seen the tv show/film) which inspired the class? 
Theme classes pull inspiration from material popular with young people. However, detailed knowledge of the source material is not required. In theme classes, students do not reenact the story or perform a play. Instead, the book is a framework to launch new stories devised by the class. For example in Hogwarts Summer School, students develop original young wizard characters studying at the famous school and imagine what else may happen in this universe. Children who haven't read the books or seen the films can imagine the possible challenges facing a young person with magical abilities and contribute to the creation of the new material. Everyone enjoys participating, even if they are not a fan of the source material. In fact, sometimes they bring fresh eyes to the topic and infuse original ideas into the group work. 
Please note; spoilers are possible.  Although accessible to students with varying experience with the theme, young people who are fans of the topic will enjoy discussing it. We encourage students not to reveal spoilers, but a young person who's read the sixth "Dog Man" graphic novel may not be able to contain themselves! 

What if my child hasn't read the book (or seen the tv show/film) which inspired the class? 


Theme classes pull inspiration from material popular with young people. However, detailed knowledge of the source material is not needed to have the best time! In theme classes, the source material is a framework to launch new stories devised by the class. For example, in a Hogwarts class, students are invited to imagine new characters or scenarios:


"If you could make a poition that gave you a special ability for a short time, what would it be?"


"There's a brand new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor this summer. What's their name and what is their back story?"



Children who haven't read the books or seen the films can bring fresh eyes to the topic and infuse original ideas into the group work. 

Spoilers are possible. Although accessible to students with varying experience with the theme, young people who are fans of the topic will enjoy discussing it. We encourage students not to reveal spoilers, but a young person who's read the sixth "Dog Man" graphic novel may not be able to contain themselves!