Limited to students in the 6th - 12th grades
Tuesdays, Jan 14 - Feb 4th from 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Location: Online
Price: Free
This is a free workshop that takes place online and meets four times. At the end of the workshop, students will have written a ten minute play. These plays will have a free staged reading put together by our teen theatre company: YETi.
We can only select 5 students to participate in the workshop.
Hosted by The American Association of Theatre Education (AATE), Young Playwrights for Change is a national playwriting competition for students in 6th- 8th grades. Students write and submit a ten-minute play based on a theme. Each hosting organization will select and submit one script for this national competition.
Childsplay Academy is proud to be one of the hosting organizations, and we look forward to submitting a play that represents our community and the voices of young people. We are intentionally selecting students as adjudicators, and this group of peers will select Childsplay's entry for the competition.
To help students develop and write a ten-minute play, we're offering playwriting workshops with playwright and artistic director Dwayne Hartford. The four workshop sessions meet online from Mid- January to late February. However, participation in the workshop is not required to submit a script.
At times the world seems small and other times vast. How do you care for the earth? How does the earth care for you? Whether through science or connecting with wild things, seeing the earth as a scientific marvel or a mother, how does caring for our earth create change for the climate of your heart or the climate of our entire planet.
Guidelines at a Glance:
Full Contest Guidelines from AATE